Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Laughing at Myself

So remember that post a little while ago about the happy weight calculator? (That there is a link, my friends! Just in case you didn't know.) Haha... it said my happy weight is 122. Well, let me tell ya that just thinking about getting to 122 totally stressed me out. I was excited at first, but then I just got too hard on myself. Yesterday I posted a message on The Skinny (another link) about all the things going on in my head. I just have to laugh at myself and the silly things I have let myself get hooked on. A new thought that came to my mind today was about BMI. My BMI is in the normal range, but for some reason I thought that I needed to get closer to the lower end of the normal range. Does that make any sense, though? Why would being closer to the Underweight category be any better than being closer to the Overweight category?! Crazy American thinking, I suppose. If I'm in the Normal range that is considered healthy, can't I just be happy with that? Certainly. That's my epiphany of the day.

1 comment:

Katie Lewis said...

So true! I am so impressed that you're at a normal BMI! :)