Monday, June 15, 2009

Tomato Food

Nobody told me I have to feed my plants. Today after much concern over the yellowing leaves on my plants, I went to Bi-Mart and bought some lovely Tomato Food (and was very tempted to buy more tomato plants at 25 cents a piece). I quickly fed my poor plants and watched as they guzzled their special potion. I felt a little like a scientist mixing the fertilizer with the exact measurements. I checked out 3 books from the library and have been researching container tomato plants. It's fun! I am very excited to see the fruit growing. Can't wait to eat it!

1 comment:

Katie Lewis said...

I think you will be much more successful at growing food than Bryan and I were when we tried last year. Pretty much everything died. Sad day. I hope your tomatoes grow up to be strong and healthy... and yummy. :)