Monday, February 15, 2010

Things That Made my Heart Happy

     Yesterday was one of the best Valentine's Days I have had in a long time. As an adult, it seems like I receive less candy. I remember loving Valentine's Day because of the candy, though. This year there was an abundance of sweets and yet it is the first year I've actually cared about what I consume! But it's all okay because I can control my portions and exercise more.
     Eric started it all by giving me a box of chocolates. Then at church, the choir director gave us little goodie bags for coming to practice. When I went into Primary I knew more goodies were on the way. I finished singing time and then received a giant sugar cookie and a mini cupcake. Yum! Then Relief Society had to continue the trend by passing around bowls of chocolates. I felt loaded down by calories already, even though I had only eaten a couple pieces of chocolate. Later, Letia invited me over for lemon bars. You might be thinking this would be easy to turn down, but it wasn't. She and I had been talking about lemon bars earlier in the week, so she knew I wanted them. Plus, she really needed a cup of flour in order to complete the recipe. So I indulged in one lemon bar.
     Besides the wealth of treats this was an excellent holiday because I gave out some valentines to friends at church. This was really fun to spread the love and let people know how great I think they are. It was one of those really simple little things that probably made me feel even better than the people who received the valentines. To top that off, another friend at church paid me a very sweet compliment. It was such a great day at church!
     Then Eric and I got home from church and he was the sweetest. We snuggled on the couch watching the Olympics. When Letia had invited us over for lemon bars, he said he would rather just be at home with me. So cute... I only visited at Letia's for about an hour. I hope he felt the holiday was as fun as I did!

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