Monday, August 3, 2009

The Half Marathon!

As I posted before, I was undecided about actually running the half marathon with my running partners. They had registered and I didn't want to pay to register. Plus, I thought it was going to be a miserable 90-degree day for the race. On top of all that, they were both planning on taking their kids, so I was going to have to drive to Tacoma on my own.

Well, things changed and I went! I still didn't register, but Aubrie decided to leave her kids in the Portland area with her mother-in-law and had an open seat for me to ride up with them! We left Saturday morning at 3am to get to Tacoma by 6. We parked at the end of the race and rode the shuttle to the start point out on the Olympic Peninsula. We started at 7:30 and it was a comfortable foggy morning, about 60 degrees, until we were about half-way or more through the race. When we crossed the bridge we came out of the fog but it was still cool for a few more miles. Then the remainder of the run was in the sun, but it was only between 75 and 80 degrees out. It was the perfect weather. Our little group stayed together for the most part and we all finished in about 2 hours and 49 minutes. Juliette finished the race ahead of us. She took off on the last 3 miles or so. She finished about 5 minutes ahead of us even while pushing her baby in the jogging stroller! She is amazing! Her husband Toby stayed with me and Aubrie while Aubrie's husband lagged behind more because his knees couldn't take it (that's what happens when you don't train). So Aubrie and Toby and I were within sight of the finish and started running faster. Before I knew it, I was sprinting the fastest I have ever gone! I know it can be dangerous and risking a muscle-pull, but I sprinted without much thought and it felt great. Luckily, it was such a short distance at the end that I didn't have time to pull a muscle or trip on my own feet. It was great! Then we enjoyed some live music, free bananas and granola, and lots of water! It was a beautiful day and I am so glad I went!

When we were at mile 9, Juliette, Aubrie and I couldn't believe how much easier the race had been than we expected. I think it was easier than the 10-mile run we did the week before. It was really exciting and we all got to talking about doing a full marathon.

Well, since I've been home I have gotten a lot of sleep to help my muscles heal. It is the best feeling to know that I accomplished it. And it doesn't hurt to hear people's reactions when they hear I ran a half marathon. ;) This was an awesome experience!!! Pictures are forthcoming.

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