Thursday, August 21, 2008

Bye-bye Gender

Wow. How ironic is it that I crashed my car on my way home from the office right after I posted that? Crazy. I rear-ended a van. My air bags deployed and everything. As my first official accident, I think I pulled it off quite well. The car is probably totalled, I walked away with just a few bruises and a broken necklace, and I happened to just get full coverage on the car at the beginning of the month. I'm one lucky duck! I certainly didn't feel that way when I was stopped in the middle of the bridge between Gladstone and Oregon City waiting for the police to come, but I know it will all work out. The lady in front of me was pretty nice, so that helped too. Oh, and in case you are confused... my car is named Gender-Confused or Gender for short. He's a boy because the gas tank is on the right side, but he looks like a girl because he has sweet pink and purple embellishments on him. So he's a little confused, but I have loved him regardless.

1 comment:

Ben said...

An accident...that's awful, but I'm so glad you're okay. Thanks for the Thank You card--it's so cute! You are so lucky to have just gotten full coverage, wow! Love blogging!